Appeal: Not with the FPÖ! Cultural Diversity is not negotiable

In a public call representatives of visual arts, film, theatre, performance, music, authors, translators and cultural organisations insist: Cultural Diversity is not negotiable. The freedom of art and culture, of opinions and of the media are indispensable democratic values. No participation of the Freedom Party in the next Austrian government! 


Not with the FPÖ: Cultural Diversity is not negotiable

The freedom of art and culture, of opinions and of the media are indispensable democratic values. 

One of the great European achievements is our commitment to cultural diversity. Austria, too, committed itself internationally to protect and promote cultural diversity. Now, more than a quarter of voters has elected a party who candidated in order to systematically undermine and destroy this fundamental value of democracy. A glimpse into the Freedoms Party's (FPÖ) manifesto confirms this, as do their actions before and after the elections.

We therefore decline any participation of this party in the government. They will stop at nothing to destroy the foundations and achievements of democracy. The consequences of nationalistic politics are well known: They transform equal opportunities and equal rights into exclusion and inequality. They transform respect and recognition into libel and degradation. Ultimately, instead of upholding basic human rights, nationalist politics lead to prohibition and the elimination of these rights. 

If the FPÖ succeeds, the consequences for cultural diversity are:

  • That the cultural landscape in Austria will be destroyed, and art and culture will lose their financial basis.
  • That the cultural infrastructure will be decimated and the cultural offer will be reduced to simplistic, popular programmes.
  • That diversity and equality will be hindered by nationalistic thought.
  • That the diversity of the media and of opinions will be lost.
  • That Austria’s international status as a valuable cultural nation will be ruined.

71.2 % of voters did not vote for nationalistic informed politics in the 2024 national elections. Moreover, 1.5 million people of electoral age did not have the right to vote. 

All of the other parties have the essential obligation and responsibility to follow the will of three quarters of the electorate, rather than handing over power to a party which disregards the elementary rights and values of the vast majority of people living in Austria.

Not with the FPÖ! 


Initial signatories:
Elisabeth Bernroitner, D—Arts Projektbüro für Diversität
Kurt Brazda, Künstlerhaus Vereinigung
Dachverband der Filmschaffenden
Yvonne Gimpel, IG Kultur Österreich
Andrea Glauser, Kulturwissenschaftlerin und Soziologin
Harald Huber, Österreichischer Musikrat
IG Freie Theaterarbeit 
Kulturrat Österreich
Daniela Koweindl und Guilherme Maggessi, IG Bildende Kunst
Sabine Kock, Art-Mobility Austria
Anja Malich, IG Übersetzerinnen Übersetzer
Zahra Mani, stellvertretende Vorsitzende des Fachbeirats Kulturelle Vielfalt der Österreichischen UNESCO-Kommission
Gerhard Ruiss und Ludwig Laher, IG Autorinnen Autoren
Anke Schad-Spindler, Vorsitzende des Fachbeirats Kulturelle Vielfalt der Österreichischen UNESCO-Kommission

Download: List of supporters as of 22.10.2024

You can sign the appeal following this link: 

>> The appeal in german and slovenian.

>> The UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions
>> Diversity of cultural expressions